Aerial Drone Surveying

Epic Air Surveying Services

Mine Surveying
Mining Industry
Drone Propellers

Utilising drones for various applications in the mining sector, including surveying, mapping, inspections, and monitoring. Enhances efficiency, safety, and productivity in mining operations

Construction Surveys
Construction Surveys
Drone Propellers

Utilising drones for surveying, monitoring, and inspecting construction sites. Enables accurate measurements, progress tracking, and improves safety and efficiency.

Engineering Surveys
Surveys in Engineering
Drone Propellers

Leveraging drones for surveying, inspections, and data collection in engineering projects. Enhances project planning, monitoring, and maintenance processes.

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Mine Surveying
Mine Surveying
Construction Surveys
Construction Surveys
Engineering Surveys
Engineering Surveys
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Aerial Mapping and Surveying

Aerial surveying and drone mapping is a geomatics method of collecting, analysing and interpreting data by using aeroplanes, helicopters, UAVs, balloons and other aerial methods and aerial equipment.

Drone Surveying UAV’s are perfect for aerial mapping with aerial survey drones. The aerial survey procedure integrates an aerial survey pilot, aerial survey aircraft, aerial survey software and other aerial survey equipment to produce a chart or map made by analysing the photogrammetric data of a region.

The ability to make accurate and repeatable flights over difficult terrains make UAVs ideal for ground mapping. An aerial land survey drone is the perfect tool for conducting an aerial site survey, aerial lidar survey, aerial photogrammetry survey, aerial photographic survey, aerial topographic survey or an aerial detection survey. Aerial detection surveys or aerial sketch-mapping is a remote sensing technology method which is efficient and economical in stockpiling and reporting data from aerial survey maps for agricultural surveying needs.

UAV’s affordability combined with high resolution cameras and aerial survey drone software enables us to produce detailed mapping with multiple point data.

Drone Surveying Services South Africa

Elevate Urban Development Planning Project Efficiency with our Comprehensive Drone Surveying Solutions

Drone Surveying and Mapping Services South Africa

Professional Drone Surveying services in the Western Cape, South Africa

Drone Mapping and Surveying Services South Africa

Explore the Benefits of Drone Surveying for Construction, Mining and Engineering for Actionable Drone Survey Mapping Data

Drone Aerial surveys offer the following benefits:

  • Produce survey-grade maps (2D/Orthomosaic) and accurate 3D models in hours, as opposed to days
  • Site Videos
  • Colour Digital Elevations Maps
  • Index maps (Thermal surveys, NDVI surveys) in GeoTIFF and OBJ
  • Contour and Digital Shape and Terrain models (DXF)
  • Geo-referenced Point Cloud (LAS, XYZ)
  • Multiple point data collection
  • Stock Piling/Volume Measurement
  • Improve safety: Reduce the amount of time crews spend walking sites or navigating dangerous areas
  • Lower costs: Lower costs for yourself and your clients by performing surveys in a fraction of the time compared to traditional ground methods
  • Integrate with industry software for additional analysis: Drone maps and models can be easily imported into most industry software

UAV Video sensors are able to capture high definition footage which is ideal for aerial mapping and imaging, photogrammetry and 3D reconstruction, plant counting, volume measurement, surveillance, emergency response, surveying and land use applications. The HD video footage can be live-streamed to multiple devices on the ground in real-time. Data from multiple surveys can be accurately aligned, geotagged, rendered and compared to produce an abundance of relevant information for any project.

EpicAir is a Licenced and Insured RPAS Drone Aerial Surveys Operator in South Africa

Aerial Surveys Captured by Drone

Our Drone Aerial Surveys in South Africa provide unmatched quality

Drone Surveying the Landscape from Above

We provide professional Drone Aerial Surveys

Aerial Mine Drone Surveys

Drone Aerial Surveys deliver reliable Mine Survey output data

Enhance Decision-making and Project Outcomes with Epic Air’s Advanced Drone Surveying Technology

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